Dear Triggianesi around the world,
I feel honoured to communicate that the high priest Father Antonio Bonerba elected me as Representative President of Patron Saint's Festival Committee “Maria SS. Della Croce e della Madia”.
I send you wishes and a fraternal embrace by the side of Committee and mine.
My first thought is for you, who left this Country looking for a better future and in spite of everything, you never forgot it. I write to you, because I well know that Triggiano is always your home in your soul, it is the place where you left your “roots” and where there is your identity.
I know that you never forgot your Country and your origines, as well as Triggiano never forgot you.
Certainly, I believe that to leave your own Country and move to another,looking for a better future, was an hard and at the same time a valiant choice. Certainly you encountered different difficulties, you did sacrifices to find a respectable job and you should adapt yourselves to new lifestyles, you gave your loved ones up, your language, your Dear Saint and Loved Patron Maria SS. Della Croce.
You worked and work hard for you and for us, we sent your savings in order to sustain your loved ones. You never forgot them.
But as time goes by and with our grandparents' death it could happen that the bond between you and your Country could break.
My desire is not cut this “umbilical cord” with you, so I want to say to all Triggianesi in the world to keep a connection with us. So, why couldn't we organize a gathering during the Patronal Festival that will take place in Triggiano from 13 to 17 September?
This year we wouldn't do the usual auction for our Patron Saint's base, but since Madonna is the Mother of everybody, we want anyway to give this opportunity to all devoted citizens for the procession that will take place in 14-15-16-22 September 2013.
It's for this reason that the Committee and I would that one group of people who taking part in procession is one of your Delegation.
Therefore we would grateful to know, as soon as possible for organizational issue, if we agreed and howmany people would participate.
I would like to see you walking on the streets during the festival, maybe with your grandchildren in order to let them know their grandparents' places.
Our town and our history is reach and it's important, according to me, to let it know to new future generations.
Every corners of our town could tell something about men and women, who were born here like you and who should left this town, this Country, in order to ride out economical difficulties and live a better life.
All Triggianesi or the ones who know Triggiano know that it is a very supportative town, where the relationships are still strong and we are going to force ourselves in order to not loose this value.
I hope that you always feel Triggianesi, because this also your town and your stories are our Present.
Come to Triggiano whenever you want and can. We need to meet and know you, because we are our business card in the world.
A fraternal and tender embrace from Maria SS. Della Croce's Committee. We send wishes and we wait for you. |