Open source : Notizie del Web

Virus sul sito Istituzionale del Comune di Triggiano ---- attenzione
aggiornate l'antivirus per bloccare l'infezione
di Staff TMLand

Virus sulla Home page del sito Istituzionale del Comune di Triggiano.

info per il virus riscontrato:

What is Blackhat SEO?
Blackhat SEO is a malicious code present on fraudulent websites or illegally injected on legitimate but hacked websites without the knowledge of the administrator. The intention behind these code injections is to detect and exploit vulnerabilities on applications installed on your computer to install malicious and unwanted software that compromise the security of all data on the affected PC. ... Read more

Blackhat SEO is a malicious code present on fraudulent websites or illegally injected on legitimate but hacked websites without the knowledge of the administrator. The intention behind these code injections is to detect and exploit vulnerabilities on applications installed on your computer to install malicious and unwanted software that compromise the security of all data on the affected PC.Blackhat SEO is currently ranked 55 in the world of online malware

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